Help Formula Pengganti Subtitute. Substitute text find replace text is the incoming value find is the text to look for and replace is the text to replace with. Here we will apply the below substitute formula to achieve this substitute i8 by using this you will get the output without space as shown in the below table.
Select a cell which you will place the result and type this formula substitute a1 1 2 1 then the first occurrence of number 1 has been replace with 2. The substitute function is the case sensitive function. Krizto 5 jul 2018 138 poin.
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Substitute text find replace text is the incoming value find is the text to look for and replace is the text to replace with. If you want to replace all number 1 with 2 use this substitute a1 1 2. Next use substitute and char to return the text string without this character. There is also a section explaining excel array formulas which is essential reading for some of the more complex but most useful excel functions and formulas.