Faqih Muqaddam Muhammad Bin Ali. O prophet of allah hud as of where are you now he. Imam muhammad bin ali al faqih al muqaddam berkata.
الفقيه المقدم arabic pronunciation. He studied at the hands of tarim s greatest scholars and very quickly surpassed his peers until he reached the rank of mujtahid and became known as al faqih or the jurist. Imam ahmad selalu berjalan di atas thoriqah ayahnya diantaranya banyak berpuasa silaturahmi.
O shaykh al faqih if you do not make pilgrimages to us then we who will make a pilgrimage to you i said to him.
Alwi abdullah dan abdurahman mewarisi dzatku sedangkan ali dan ahmad mewarisi sifatku. Selain itu dia al fagih al muqaddam juga mengambil ilmu dari beberapa ulama besar lainnya diantaranya al qadhi al faqih ahmad bin muhammad ba isa al imam muhammad bin ahmad bin abul hubbi asy syeikh sufyan al yamani as sayyid al imam al hafidz ali bin muhammad bin jadid as sayyid al imam salim bin bashri asy syeikh muhammad bin ali al khatib asy syeikh as sayyid alwi bin muhammad shohib mirbath paman dia dan masih banyak lagi. It was narrated that sayyidina al faqih al muqaddam muhammad bin ali ra said. Muhammad ibn ali ba alawi arabic.